Online Ego State Therapy training 2024 with AICHP 

Dr Woltemade Hartman and Callie Hattingh will be presenting the online EST training.

The training is organised and hosted by Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy

Training dates, registration, information and payment

Please contact AICHP directly

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Online Workshops presented by Dr Hartman for AICHP

5-7 August 2024: EST I: Introduction, Safety and Stabilisation 

22-24 August 2024: Body Trance: Advancing flow, embodiment and self-regulation  in your traumatized clients. Seminar 1

28-30 November 2024 : EST III: Therapy with Symptom Associated Ego States 

4-5 December 2024: Grief as a Resource in Psychotherapy

Carl Hattingh (Callie) is a registered Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Sydney.  He is the President of AICHP and the Founding Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Sydney Australia (EISA).  He is on the Board of Directors of the International Society of Hypnosis, is Co-chair of the Crisis and Intervention Committee of the International- and European Societies of Hypnosis and the President Elect of Ego State Therapy International.  Carl received the Fuma award for his contribution to Promoting Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy in South Africa.   He has been a trainer in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Ego State Therapy since 2000 and has organised various congresses on clinical hypnosis, trauma and psychotherapy.  He is a registered supervisor and trainer with Ego State Therapy International (ESTI) and a registered Somatic Experiencing Pracitioner (SEP).  Carl has been a keynote speaker and faculty member at various international congresses.

Woltemade Hartman (Ph.D) is a Clinical and Educational Psychologist, and psychotherapist in private practice in Pretoria, South Africa.  He received his training as an Ericksonian psychotherapist at the Ericksonian Foundation in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.  Dr Hartman also trained as an Ego State therapist with Prof J.G. Watkins and Mrs H. Watkins in Missoula, Montana, USA.  He is the author of “Ego state therapy with sexually traumatized children” and “Einführung in die Ego-State Therapie”, as well as various scientific articles on the topic of hypnosis and psychotherapy. Dr Hartman is the Founding Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa (MEISA). He currently serves as Secretary and Treasurer of Ego State Therapy International (ESTI). Woltemade is an executive board member of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH) and also serves as Chairperson of the Council of Representatives on this board. Dr Hartman is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Psychology at the University of Johannesburg and lectures in South Africa, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Singapore, South Korea and Japan. He has been a Keynote Speaker at various international congresses. Dr Hartman is the recipient of the 2009 Early Career Award for Innovative Contributions to Hypnosis from the International Society of Hypnosis. He is also trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Eye Movement Integration (EMI), EdxTM (Energy Psychology), Impact Therapy, Mindfulness Techniques, Soma and Somatic Experiencing (SE).