Special Online Workshops August 2023
CPD accredited

Saturday 26 August 2023: 9:00-12:00 (3 hours) - 3 General CEU's

Dr Elzette Fritz and Joy Nel

Join the dots to see the whole: Ego States play for the young at heart 

Fee: R600.00, Psychology students R500.00


Dr Marita Brink is a renowned clinical psychologist from Johannesburg who has empowered and trained many psychologists to develop as highly skilled professionals with her dedicated guidance as supervisor.
Not only has she contributed to the academic field, but also presented many outstanding workshops based on the most up-to-date research, articles, her insight and experience, helping psychologists to upskill and deliver the best possible professional service and ethical practice to their clients.
She made it possible to acquire the knowledge and insight in the most recent psychometric tests such as WISC-V, WAIS-IV, NEPSY-II, WIAT-III as well as the Rorschach R-PAS discussion group which she professionally led until the end of 2022.
As a notion of our appreciation and gratitude for what Marita has meant for the community of psychologists over the past years, we felt it appropriate to organise workshops presented by our esteemed colleagues, Dr Elzette Fritz, Joy Nel and Dr Woltemade Hartman, whereby the funds will be donated to Marita’s care and medical expenses going forward. 

22 August 2023: 19:00-21:00 
Dr. Woltemade Hartman

Resource Activation in Difficult Times: Combining Clinical Hypnosis, Yoga, Breathwork and Somatic Experiencing Techniques: A powerful Match!

In difficult and challenging times we often cannot access our strengths and resources easily and we experience diverse forms of anxiety, confusion, overload, helplessness, despair and a general feeling of hopelessness. This necessitates psychotherapists to consider new and innovative strategies to assist clients and patients to gain access to their resources and strengths in order to regain an inner sense of safety and to self-regulate optimally. The goal should therefore be to enable our clients and patients to reconnect with life and to re-establish, flow, containment, coherence and re-connectivity to others. In this workshop you will briefly  be introduced  to the ideas of Peter Levine as well as the Polyvagal Theory of Stephan Porges and its usefulness in explaining the human nervous system response to traumatization. Attention will be given to a variety of new and innovative trauma therapeutic exercises for safety and stabilization as well as techniques for self-regulation and to potentiate resources and strengths.

26 August 2023: 9:00-12:00
Dr Elzette Fritz and Joy Nel

Join the dots to see the whole: Ego States play for the young at heart 

The value of Ego States therapy in psychotherapy is hardly news. Applying the SARIA model in Ego States therapy with children can however pose a challenge. Utilising Expressive Arts in combination with Ego States Therapy can open up new possibilities and novel ways of accessing, communicating and integrating Ego States in therapy. Applying the SARIA model (with reference to Dr Woltemade Hartman’s River of Life metaphor incorporating the Polyvagal theory) to children of all ages, demands of psycho-therapists to think creatively, out of the box, on their feet whilst following the ‘child’s’ lead. Creative engagement that addresses all the senses, provides an acceptable and safe means for exploring Ego States. This introductory workshop will open the window to the utilization of basic expressive arts in Ego States Therapy with children across the age range. The activities included are low-skilled with a high impact and non-threatening.  It will provide the practitioner with an opportunity to open the mind to utilizing expressive arts, considering the SARIA model, through live demonstrations and hands-on engagement. This three-hour workshop will inspire psycho-therapists familiar with Ego States to explore new possibilities in therapy. For therapists who have never used Ego States Therapy before, it will serve as a driving force to learn more about this process.



Deposit the workshop fee into the account of Dr Marita Brink and email proof of payment to elzettefritz1@gmail.com 

26 August: R600.00, Psychology Students R500.00

Account details
Account name: Dr M Brink
Bank: ABSA
Account no: 170 210 344
Branch: Randburg
Branch Code: 505 705

You can also use this account if you want to make a donation towards Dr Marita Brink.